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Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 8, 2010



Tested 07.02.03 / 05.04.28
Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
The environment is on everyone's minds now. There are concerns that within 50 years there will be not enough fish to feed humans and that with global warming, flooding will lead many major cities under water. And this is why governments should take the lead along with large corporations to help alleviate the situation and individuals can pitch in to do their part.
First and foremost, governments need to work together and with their people in setting the agenda to improve the environment. This is a global problem that needs to be tackled from all fronts. Governments can stimulate companies into action by lowering taxes or giving financial incentives to those enterprises that use environmentally friendly materials or significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Countries can also bar the sales of polluting or inefficient products, and even raise fuel costs so that more people will take public transportation. Many cities already have recycling programs in place, collecting unwanted plastic, newspaper and paper products that are cleaned and reused in different forms.
Next, large corporations can also take the lead in branding themselves as responsible businesses that are concerned with the environment. This can make good business sense and consumers will be keen to use their products and services if they are environmentally responsible. Their research and development departments can develop engines that use fuel more efficiently or even create bio fuels or find other innovative ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
While large companies are seen as the biggest polluters, individuals grouping together are also making a big impact on the environment. People can do their part to reduce their "carbon footprint" on the earth. This can be as simple as participating in a recycling program, composting fruit and vegetable waste, using public transit, walking or cycling as a means to ~ get around, and doing less long distance travelling.
Governments need to take the lead in showing their citizens they have an effective plan to save the environment. From there corporations must comply to these new policy measures, but also show that they are innovative in finding new ways to be more fuel-efficient. Finally, individuals themselves also need to playa role at the grassroots level and do their share in caring for the environment. Only with this multi-pronged approach will global warming be eased in some way.

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